Ordering Information

$25.00, 7″ x 10″, paperback, 244 pages, 94 images, index
ISBN: 978-1-937721-79-4
Contact author at PhylliseWhite@comcast.net to arrange a mailing or delivery.

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Lee Postal Center USA, Lee, NH.

Water Street Books, Exeter, NH.

“Students Should Not Miss a Day”: The Proud History of Education in Lee, New Hampshire

by Phyllis Shenefiel White

About the Book

A history of education Lee, NH, from the 1600s to the 1970s, by a former teacher and historical society member. This title includes 94 images of schools and students, and statistics of school-related details from town records. Extensive research was conducted by the author, including interviews, to present a comprehensive picture of education, from one-room schoolhouses to multi-grade schools.

About the Author

Phyllis Shenefiel White was born and raised in Ohio. Following her graduation from Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, she became an elementary classroom teacher. In 1977, Phyllis moved to Lee, New Hampshire, with her late husband, Kern Shenefiel, and their two young children. She was a parent volunteer for several years at Mast Way School. From 1989 until she retired in 2012, Phyllis held the position of Title 1 Reading Tutor at Mast Way School. Phyllis became a member of the Lee Historical Society in 1984 and has served in various capacities ever since. As of this writing she is the president. In the 1990s, she was asked to choose an aspect of Lee’s rich history that she could research and develop into a written history for the town. With her experience in education and her memories of her mother’s stories about attending a one-room schoolhouse in the 1920s, Phyllis made the decision to write about the evolution of education and schools in Lee.